Category: Window TInting

Professional vs. DIY Window Tinting: A Tale of Two Car Owners

When it comes to window tinting, car owners like Dave and Pam face a common decision: go the DIY route to save some upfront costs or opt for professional installation for guaranteed quality and durability. In this blog, we’ll explore why choosing professional installation is the smart choice, comparing Dave’s attempt to save money through DIY methods and Pam’s decision to invest in professional services.


DIY Cost-Saving vs. Professional Quality


DIY Dave

Dave begins his day motivated by the idea of saving money. Influenced by a few online videos and forum posts, he decides on a DIY window tinting approach, thinking it’s just a matter of buying the film and sticking it on.

The potential cost savings loom large in his mind, overshadowing the potential technical challenges he could encounter.

Pro Pam

Pam, on the other hand, is already thinking steps ahead. She opts to choose a local shop for her window tinting needs. Pam understands that while the cost is higher upfront when hiring professionals, the investment is justified by the benefits.

She knows this choice guarantees a high-quality job that will not only look better, but will also last longer and perform better. Overall, Pam values the peace of mind that comes from knowing her car is in the hands of seasoned professionals.


Reason #1. Professional Installations Are Warranty-Backed

When you opt for professional window tinting from a trusted provider, you’re not just getting expert installation—you’re also securing robust warranty protections that DIY methods cannot match. At G-Force, we use XPEL PRIME Automotive Window Film, a leading product in the industry, backed by a comprehensive manufacturer’s warranty. This means if any issues arise in the future, such as discoloration, fading, bubbling, peeling, cracking, or delamination, you’re covered.


DIY Research and Professional Consultation


DIY Dave

Eager to get started, Dave heads online and grabs the first window tint film he finds. He makes his selection based solely on price, overlooking the specific requirements such as the size and shape of his car’s windows, and the film’s suitability for his car’s needs and local climate. 

Pro Pam

Pam visits the shop, where she is consulted by the team who take the time to understand her needs and the specificities of her vehicle.

The experts consider factors such as her car’s model, the regional climate, and local legal requirements for tint levels. They guide her in choosing the best type for her!


Reason #2. Professional Installers Are Experts

At professional shops, including G-Force Films, experts don’t just apply tint; they conduct a thorough assessment of each customer’s needs. This includes considering the make and model of your vehicle, the typical Savannah weather conditions (if you’re a local), and how you use your car—whether it’s for short city trips or longer commutes. This personalized approach allows us to recommend the best type of tint film that meets your specific requirements for UV protection, heat reduction, and privacy. 

On the other hand, DIY tinting often relies on a one-size-fits-all approach, where the information available online may not consider unique aspects of your car or your needs. This can lead to a less effective tint, potential legal issues, and ultimately, wasted effort and resources. 


DIY Challenge vs. Expert Precision


DIY Dave

Dave sets up in his garage, ready to apply the tint himself. Without the proper tools or environment, he struggles from the start.

The film sticks unevenly, and air bubbles appear as he attempts to smooth it out. Dave finds it challenging to align the edges correctly, resulting in a tint that is visibly flawed and likely to peel or fade prematurely. 

His initial excitement turns to frustration as he realizes that the application is far more complicated than he anticipated.

Pro Pam

At the facility, Pam is confident as she leaves her car in the hands of certified professionals. She trusts the uncompromising quality and expert installation they offer.

With her car in reliable hands, Pam decides to use her time efficiently and goes shopping, enjoying her afternoon without worry.


Reason #3. Professional Installation Saves You Time

Choosing professional window tinting with a professional means significant time savings compared to DIY efforts. A DIY window tinting project typically involves a steep learning curve that can significantly prolong the task. Many first-timers struggle with cleaning the windows, precisely cutting the film, and applying it without bubbles or wrinkles, often taking an entire day or more, particularly if any corrections are needed. For example, our skilled technicians are trained to handle every aspect of window tinting with precision, from preparing the windows to applying the film flawlessly—getting you back on the road in just hours. 


DIY Pitfalls vs. Professional Perfection


DIY Dave

Dave steps back to assess his work and the flaws are immediately evident. The tint is uneven, with air bubbles and wrinkles that no amount of smoothing can fix. The edges aren’t properly sealed, suggesting that peeling is inevitable.

Disappointed and frustrated, he realizes that not only does the tint look amateurish, but it might also not even fulfill its functional purpose of UV and glare reduction.

He starts contemplating the daunting task of removal and whether he’ll need to seek professional help to redo the job.

Pro Pam

After returning from her afternoon out, Pam is greeted with her car looking transformed. The tint is applied perfectly with no visible defects. The edges are smooth, and the coverage is consistent, enhancing her vehicle’s aesthetics significantly.

More importantly, she knows that the high-quality film used by the professionals will ensure optimal functionality, effectively blocking harmful UV rays and reducing solar heat.

Satisfied, Pam knows that her investment was worthwhile.


Reason #4. Professional Installation Outperforms DIY

The combination of high-quality films and professional-grade tools ensures that the tint application is not only beautiful, but also highly effective in performance. At G-Force Films, our technicians are XPEL-certified, meaning they have undergone rigorous training and met stringent standards in window tinting techniques and technology. While other shops may not have this distinction, trained technicians still have the skills to easily avoid common window tint issues, delivering quality that is simply unachievable with typical DIY kits.


The Real Costs of DIY vs. Professional Tinting


DIY Dave

After a long and frustrating day, Dave sits back and reflects on his attempt to tint his own car windows. The realization of time wasted, coupled with the subpar results, weighs heavily on him.

The cost of the materials, now seemingly a waste, and the prospect of having to pay not only for new tint, but also potentially for professional removal of his failed attempt, loomed over his evening.

Dave starts to recognize the false savings of his initial choice to DIY and considers turning to professionals to fix his mistakes.

Pro Pam

Pam enjoys her drive home as the sun sets, appreciating the comfort and functionality of her professionally tinted windows. She reflects on her decision to invest in professional services and is pleased with the outcome.

The seamless look of her tint, combined with the knowledge that it is applied correctly and is protected in case of potential defects, brings her immense satisfaction.

Pam feels reassured by the professionalism and the quality of her  choice, knowing her investment has not only enhanced her car’s aesthetics, but also its long-term value.


Reason #5. Professional Installation is More Cost-Effective

It’s a common misconception among DIY enthusiasts that handling window tinting themselves will always save money. However, the reality often proves otherwise, as the potential for mistakes, absence of warranties, and legal non-compliance can lead to unforeseen expenses, outweighing the initial cost savings.

On the other hand, professional installation by services like G-Force Films not only ensures a flawless application with industry name materials, but also comes with warranties and compliance guarantees, providing results that last in the long run.


Don’t Settle for Less, Choose G-Force Films

While DIY window tinting might seem tempting as a way to save money, the risks of DIY tinting are numerous and can end up costing more in the long run. Don’t be like Dave—make the smart choice by opting for professional window tinting with G-Force Films

Don’t compromise on the quality and durability of your window tinting; contact G-Force Films today and ensure your car receives the professional touch it deserves.

Factory Window Tint vs. Aftermarket Window Tint: Which is Right for You?

Are you looking to level up your vehicle’s comfort and style game? Window tinting might be the answer you’ve been searching for. But we get it; deciding between Factory Window Tint and Aftermarket Window Tint can feel like navigating a maze. That’s where G-Force Films comes in.

Let’s explore the pros and cons of each option, so you can confidently choose what suits your unique needs and preferences.

Primary Differences Between Factory vs Aftermarket Window Tint 

Factory window tint, though convenient, comes with its limitations.  In most instances, the two front windows do not have ANY tint at all from the factory. While it may be included in the vehicle’s price, it is important to recognize that it is often marked up to ensure profitability for the manufacturer, installers, and the dealership. As a result, it may not always provide the best value for your money, especially if you’re concerned about the quality of the tint.

On the other hand, high-quality aftermarket window tint offers an alternative that can be a better fit for those who prioritize the durability and performance of the tint. Aftermarket options can be especially advantageous for newer vehicles, a departure from the common notion that factory tint is better for new cars.

The Verdict:

By choosing an aftermarket window tint, you have the flexibility to select the tint that perfectly aligns with your vision, offering a broader range of shades, advanced technologies, and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, skilled professionals can ensure a precise fit and finish, minimizing the risk of issues like bubbling, peeling, or uneven tinting. This level of customization and expertise can make a significant difference, ensuring that your investment enhances the aesthetics, comfort, and protection of your vehicle.

What is Factory Window Tint?

Factory Window Tint, also known as Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) tint, is applied to a vehicle’s windows during the manufacturing process. It’s a pre-installed feature on some vehicles and is designed to meet specific standards set by the manufacturer.

What is Aftermarket Window Tint?

Aftermarket Window Tint is applied to a vehicle’s windows after it has left the factory. It’s a customizable option that provides a range of choices in terms of shades, colors, and technologies.

Advantages of Factory Window Tint

1. Legal Compliance

In many regions, Factory Window Tint meets legal requirements for darkness, ensuring you won’t run into legal issues when it comes to visibility and safety.

Advantages of Aftermarket Window Tint

1. Wider Range of Choices

Aftermarket tints offer unparalleled choices, allowing you to find the perfect balance between darkness, aesthetics, and functionality. Whether you have a specific vision in mind or are looking for specific performance characteristics, aftermarket options can cater to your desires.

2. Advanced Technology Options

Aftermarket tints often come with advanced technologies, such as ceramic or carbon-based films, which offer enhanced UV protection and heat rejection. These technological advancements can provide superior comfort and protection.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

While there is an initial cost associated with aftermarket tinting, it can be more cost-effective than factory options, especially if you have specific preferences. You can choose a tint that suits your budget without compromising on quality.

4. Application Expertise

Skilled professionals can apply aftermarket tint, ensuring a precise fit and finish that meets your requirements. Professional installation minimizes the risk of bubbling, peeling, or uneven tinting that can occur with DIY options or inexperienced installers.

Disadvantages of Factory Tint

1. Limited Darkness Options

Factory tint may not offer the level of darkness you desire. It’s typically limited to a specific shade, which may not provide the level of privacy or heat reduction that some individuals prefer.

2. Cost Factors

While included in the vehicle’s price, Factory Window Tint can contribute to the overall cost of the vehicle, making the initial purchase more expensive. This can be a consideration if you’re on a tight budget.

3. Compatibility Issues with Older Vehicles

If you own an older vehicle, it may not have Factory Window Tint as an option, limiting your choices. In such cases, you may need to explore aftermarket options.

Disadvantages of Aftermarket Tint

1. Quality Variations

The quality of aftermarket tint can vary based on the brand and installer, so it’s essential to do your research and choose a reputable provider. Seek recommendations and read reviews to ensure you’re getting a high-quality product and service.

2. Warranty Considerations

Aftermarket tint may not be covered under your vehicle’s warranty. However, many reputable installers offer their warranties to guarantee the quality of their work and the durability of the tint. Be sure to inquire about warranty options with the installer to protect your investment.

3. Legal Compliance Concerns

Some aftermarket tints may not meet local regulations, potentially leading to legal issues if not installed correctly or if they exceed the allowed darkness levels. It’s crucial to be aware of local tinting laws and ensure your chosen tint complies with them. G-Force Films can make sure you are legally compliant with local and State requirements.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Factory and Aftermarket Tint

When deciding between Factory and Aftermarket Window Tint, several factors should influence your choice:

1. Budget

Determine how much you’re willing to invest in window tinting, considering both short-term and long-term costs. While aftermarket options may have an initial cost, they offer better value for your budget.

Winner: Aftermarket Tint

2. Vehicle Type and Age

The type of vehicle you own and its age can influence your tinting options. Newer vehicles may come with factory tint options, while both new and older vehicles benefit from aftermarket customization to meet modern preferences.

Winner: Aftermarket Tint

3. Personal Style and Preferences

Your personal preferences, including the desired darkness level and aesthetics, play a significant role in your decision. Consider your lifestyle and how tinting will enhance your vehicle’s appearance and comfort.

Winner: Aftermarket Tint

4. Local Tinting Regulations

Be aware of local regulations regarding window tint darkness and ensure that your choice complies with the law. Avoid legal complications by adhering to local rules and regulations.

Winner: Factory Tint & Aftermarket Tint

5. Warranty Considerations

If maintaining your vehicle’s warranty is a priority, inquire about warranty options for aftermarket tints. Many reputable installers offer warranties that cover both the product and the installation.

Winner: Aftermarket Tint

6. Long-Term Durability

Consider the durability and performance of the tint, as well as the climate conditions in your area. Some tints may perform better in extreme heat or cold, so choose one that suits your region’s climate.

Winner: Aftermarket Tint

Overall Winner: Aftermarket Window Tint 

Start Your Window Tinting Journey with G-Force Films

When it comes between factory window tint and aftermarket window tint, the decision hinges on your unique requirements and preferences. Both options present their own sets of advantages and drawbacks. 

Don’t know where to start? Contact us today to discuss your window tinting needs. Your journey to enhanced comfort, aesthetics, and protection begins here.

How to Choose the Best Window Film Installer in Savannah: 19 Questions to Ask Before Hiring

Selecting the right window tint installer is crucial to enhance the aesthetics, protect your interiors, and increase energy efficiency. Whether you are looking to tint your car’s windows or upgrade the windows in your home or office, asking the right questions will help you find a reputable installer who can meet your specific needs.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the essential questions to ask potential installers, so you can make an informed choice.

Why is the Role of Professional Installers Crucial for Window Tinting?

Benefits of Professional Installers for Window Tinting

Flawless Application Professional installers possess the expertise to apply window tint smoothly and accurately, minimizing the risk of imperfections that can compromise its effectiveness and appearance.
Optimal Performance With precision installation, window tint can provide maximum benefits, including energy efficiency, UV protection, and glare reduction.
Long-Lasting Results By relying on skilled installers, you can be confident that the window tint will maintain its quality and integrity for an extending period, without peeling or discoloration.
Knowledge of Window Types Different windows may require specific techniques or film types Professional installers are equipped to handle a variety of windows, from curved car windows to large commercial glass surfaces.
Saves Time and Effort DIY and/or low quality installations can be time-consuming and challenging. Professional installers streamline the process, delivering efficient and top-notch results in a fraction of the time.
Enhanced Aesthetics A professional installation ensures that the window tint compliments your vehicle or property, elevating its overall appearance.

12 Key Questions to Ask Prospective Window Tint Installers

Experience and Expertise

  • How many years have you been installing window tint for automotive and commercial/residential applications?

Inquiring about the installer’s experience helps you assess their level of expertise in the specific field of window tinting you require. Experienced installers are more likely to have encountered various challenges and mastered techniques to deliver exceptional results.

  • Do you have experience with both automotive and commercial/residential window tinting?

Finding an installer with experience in both automotive and commercial/residential tinting demonstrates their versatility and adaptability. An installer familiar with different types of applications can provide valuable insights and recommendations tailored to each setting.

Qualifications and Certifications

  • Are you certified or trained by reputable organizations in the window tinting industry?

Asking about certifications and training indicates the installer’s commitment to maintaining industry standards and staying updated on the latest tinting techniques and technologies. Certifications from recognized organizations validate their skills and expertise.

References and Referrals

  • Can you provide references from previous automotive and commercial/residential clients?

Requesting references allows you to assess the installer’s track record and customer satisfaction for both automotive and architectural projects. Speaking with past clients offers insights into their professionalism, workmanship, and adherence to timelines.


  • What type of warranty do you offer for your automotive and commercial/residential window tint installations?

A comprehensive warranty reflects the installer’s confidence in their work and materials. A warranty assures you that the tint will perform as intended and provides recourse if any issues arise.

Assessing Materials and Technology

  • What brands and types of window tint films do you use for automotive and commercial/residential applications?

Understanding the brands and types of window tint films used allows you to gauge the quality and performance of the materials. Reputable installers typically work with well-known brands that offer durable and high-performing films.

  • Can you provide information about the reputation and quality of these films?

Researching the reputation and quality of the window tint films used by the installer ensures that you are investing in materials that provide the desired benefits. High-quality films offer superior UV protection, heat reduction, and longevity.

Innovative Applications

  • Do you stay up-to-date with the latest window tinting technologies for automotive and commercial/residential use?

An installer who stays informed about the latest advancements in window tinting technology can offer innovative solutions to meet your specific needs. Staying up-to-date ensures access to the latest film options and techniques.

Installation Process and Timelines

  • Could you explain the steps involved in the window tint installation for both automotive and commercial/residential projects?

Understanding the installation process helps you prepare for the project and know what to expect during the tinting process. It allows you to plan accordingly and ensure a smooth and efficient installation.

  • What is the expected timeline for completing the window tint installation for both automotive and commercial/residential projects?

Knowing the estimated timeline helps you manage your schedule and make necessary arrangements during the installation. It ensures minimal disruption and allows you to plan around the installation process.

Pricing and Quotations

  • Can you provide a detailed breakdown of the pricing structure for both automotive and commercial/residential window tinting?

Requesting a breakdown of the pricing structure ensures transparency and helps you understand the costs involved in the tinting project. Transparent pricing ensures there are no hidden fees or unexpected charges.

Insurance and Licensing

  • Are you fully insured for any potential damages or accidents during the window tint installation for both automotive and commercial/residential projects?

Ensuring that the installer carries comprehensive insurance coverage protects you from liability in the event of any accidental damages or accidents that may occur during the installation process.

G-Force Films: Savannah’s Expert Window Tint Installer

By asking these essential questions when considering window tint installers for automotive and commercial/residential projects, you can make an informed decision and choose the right professional for your specific needs.

At G-Force Films, we take pride in our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction. Contact us today to explore how we can help you achieve your window tinting goals for your vehicle, home, or business.

5 Reasons Why Car Window Tinting is a Must-Have in Savannah

You spend a lot of time in your car. Eighteen days per year, to be exact. That’s why it’s essential to make your vehicle’s interior as comfortable as possible.

G-Force Film’s automotive window tinting solutions can help. For over a decade, we’ve been enhancing the appearance, privacy, and comfort of Savannah drivers’ cars. So, if you’re wondering if window film is the right choice for you? Here are five reasons why car window tinting is a must-have in Savannah, Georgia. 


What are the Benefits of Tinted Car Windows? 

Before we dive in, it’s good to know the numerous benefits of tinting your windows. Not only will window tint improve your car’s aesthetics but it will:


1. Lower Your Risk of Skin Cancer

Window film blocks up to 99% of UV rays, reducing your risk of skin cancer and premature aging.


2. Increase Your Safety

Window tint reduces sun glare, helping you maintain a crystal-clear view of the road ahead while reducing eye strain. It will never obstruct your sight at night. Additionally, window film blocks thieves from seeing inside your car. This reduces the risk of break-ins.


3. Give You More Privacy

Want privacy while you’re behind the wheel? With window tint, nobody will be able to look into your car.


4. Preserve Your Vehicle’s Integrity

Since tint blocks out sunlight, it will prevent your interior from fading.


5. Provide Year-Round Comfort

Want to beat the summer heat? At G-Force Films, our Ceramic XR film keeps your car’s interior cool and comfortable. In fact, it provides up to 88% of heat rejection. When compared to Ceramic XR PLUS, this ceramic tint will reject up to 98% of heat rejection.

Now that you know the many benefits of window tint, let’s look at five reasons why it’s a must-have for Savannah drivers.


1. Improved Comfort 

During the summer, the southern heat is in full swing. Temperatures can reach as high as 100 plus degrees in Georgia. If you leave your car out in the sun for too long, it can turn into a cooker.

Installing window film will reduce the heat inside your vehicle. Window tint blocks thermal heat, including infrared light and UV rays. Window tint with nano-carbon ceramic technology absorbs heat, keeping your car cool all summer long. 


2. Protects Your Skin 

Do you love cruising the open road during daylight hours? While daytime driving can be enjoyable, it can also increase your risk of skin cancer. That’s because harmful UVA radiation penetrates the glass, reaching your exposed skin.

Automotive window tint will keep you safe. Since it blocks up to 99% of dangerous UV rays, you can protect your skin from melanoma, sunburns, and premature wrinkling. Think of window film as a built-in SPF for your car. 


3. Greater Privacy and Security 

We could all use more privacy. This is especially true if you’re driving or parked in the more dangerous parts of the city.

Tinting your windows will boost your privacy and security. Strangers and criminals won’t be able to see inside your ride. This significantly reduces the risk of theft and break-ins. If they can’t see your belongings, robbers won’t be tempted to steal it. 


4. Energy Efficiency 

Want to reduce your carbon footprint? Looking for ways to save more money? Try tint! Since window film keeps your car cool, there’s no reason to crank your AC for hours. Your car will burn less fuel, and you’ll spend less time filling up at the pump.


5. Your Car Will Look Sleeker 

Do you want to enhance your vehicle’s appearance without paying a fortune? Automotive window tint makes your car look sleek and stylish. The darker windows will complement your car’s paint, making it look stealthy.

This can increase your car’s resale value. Plus, window tint protects your car’s interior from fading. If your vehicle looks like it just rolled off the showroom floor, you’ll get more money when it’s time to sell or trade it in.


Get Your Windows Tinted by the Experts 

If you want to get your vehicle’s windows tinted, don’t take it to just any run-of-the-mill auto shop. Take it to a team of experts. G-Force Films has delivered superior window tinting solutions to Savannah, Georgia drivers since 2012. Our team of talented tinting technicians has over 25 years of automotive aftermarket experience and can make your ride look fabulous.

We use the best tint products available in the industry. If you’re having trouble deciding what type of film to buy, we’re always happy to help. We’ll work closely with you to learn about your preferences, budget, and goals. From there, we’ll offer expert guidance.

G-Force also specializes in vinyl wraps, paint protection film, and more.

Contact us today by calling 912-655-2888 for more information.

Georgia Tint Laws: How Dark Can Your Car Window Tint Be?

Dark car window tint looks amazing, protects you from direct UV rays, reduces glare, boosts your safety, increases your privacy…the list goes on and on. It may seem that the darker your tint is the better. However, laws say otherwise.

Let’s shed some light on the matter and figure out how dark you are allowed to go.

Know the Law: What is VLT?

When it comes to car window tint, you often see it written as a percentage. The number indicates VLT or Visible Light Transmission. The higher the VLT is, the more light the tint allows passing through the glass.

So if your tint is 60% then it allows 60% of light to pass through. An 80% car window tint lets more light in than a 30% tint. With a 0% tint, no light can pass through.

Law regulates the amount of light that can pass through your car’s tinted windows. These laws vary from state to state and so do the fines for breaking them.

These laws usually depend on the climate. For example, sunny Florida allows lower VLT indications because glare and heat are a big issue. Meanwhile, in the cloudy and rainy Washington, you may face serious visibility problems strutting a 30% car window tint.

Consider your traveling habits before opting for an ultra-dark window film. In the majority of states, you won’t get ticketed for breaking the tint laws if your vehicle is registered in another state. However, some states like Ohio and Utah are often strict about the matter.

Georgia Tinting Laws 

Georgia enacted statewide car window tinting laws in 2005. If you plan on getting your windows tinted, it’s important to know and follow these regulations. 

Window Tint Darkness Laws in Georgia 

As we previously mentioned, Visible Light Transmission (VLT) is the percentage of light that can pass through your car’s window tint film. Georgia’s window tint darkness laws are different for passenger vehicles and multi-purpose vehicles. As such, it’s smart to understand the specific laws for the type of vehicle you drive. 

Georgia Tint Darkness for Passenger Vehicle 

Passenger vehicles are inclusive of coupes, sedans, station wagons, and hatchbacks. The following Georgia window tint darkness laws apply to all of these vehicles:

  • Front side windows: Must allow more than 32% of light in.
  • Back side windows: Must allow more than 32% of light in.
  • Rear window: Must allow more than 32% of light in.
  • Windshield: Non-reflective tint is allowed on the top six inches of your windshield. 

Georgia Tint Darkness for Multi-Purpose Vehicle 

Multi-purpose vehicles include SUVs, trucks, vans, and mini-buses and have the following Georgia window tint darkness laws:

  • Front side windows: Must allow more than 32% of light in.
  • Back side windows: Any darkness can be used.
  • Rear window: Any darkness can be used.
  • Windshield: Non-reflective tint is allowed on the top six inches of your windshield.

Georgia Window Tint Color Laws 

In the Peach State, red and amber tint colors are illegal. 

Georgia Tint Reflection Laws

In Georgia, window tint on both multi-purpose and passenger vehicles must NOT be more than 20% reflective on the front side windows, back side windows, and rear windshield. 


Your first violation will result in a $25 to $100 fine. For your second offense, you’ll be charged with a $200+ fine. Multiple violations can result in fines of up to $1,000, 12 months in prison, and/or a misdemeanor.

Medical Exemptions to the Car Window Tinting Law

If you have a medical condition that makes car window tinting a necessity, you can get an exemption. Exemption requirements vary from state to state.

For example, in Georgia, you can get a medical waiver for window tint. If you require special shielding from the sun due to a medical condition, you can be allowed to install window tint with a 23% VLT. However, you can’t get an exemption if it’s possible to achieve adequate protection from the sun by wearing glasses.

Each state has a list of conditions that can get car owners a medical waiver. The most common are:

  • Melanoma
  • Light-sensitive porphyria
  • Lupus
  • Albinism
  • Vitiligo
  • Xeroderma Pigmentosum
  • Solar Urticaria
  • Psoriasis
  • Dermatomyositis

Some states like Kansas and Kentucky don’t issue medical waivers regardless of the car owner’s condition.

What Does Car Window Tint Percentage Depend On?

The car window tint rules depend on several factors, including vehicle type and window type.

Vehicle Type

When it comes to window-tinting regulations, in some states, passenger cars are not in the same category as SUVs and vans.

For example, you may face a tinting restriction for the rear side window in your sedan while your neighbors with an SUV can go as dark as they prefer. In other states,  a lucky sedan owner may not face any side window tinting restrictions while SUV owners need to keep the tinting light.

Window Type

The type of your window matters as well. What may be fine for the rear window is out of the question for the windshield and vice versa.

  • Windshield – while you can’t have your windshield tinted, some states allow a shade band (a thin band of tint on the top part of the windshield). The thickness of the band varies from state to state.
  • Front side windows – some states allow up to 24% tint while others don’t permit any tinting for front side windows at all.
  • Rear side windows – some states don’t have any restrictions for rear side windows while others like New York and Rhode Island have them set at 70%.
  • Rear windows – same as with rear side windows, restrictions vary from 70% to none at all.

Benefits of Car Window Tinting

Complying with car window tinting laws may seem like a hassle. Thankfully, your tint provider knows all ins and outs of the local regulations. All you have to do is ask for a consultation. A respectable car window tint company would never install a product that doesn’t comply with state laws.

The benefits of tinting your windows are obvious regardless of the state you live in.

1. Fresh Upholstery Appearance

If you live in a sunny state like Georgia, you know what it’s like to deal with faded upholstery. Direct UV rays lead to fading, which makes the car seats look old and worn. Window tint can delay the fading processes substantially.

2. Skin Protection

The benefits of sun tanning are highly overrated. In fact, lengthy sun exposure could lead to health problems. Even though not all car window tints block UV rays completely, they keep the majority of them out.

3. Comfortable Temperatures

Entering your car after it has been sitting in the sun all day makes inferno seem like a breezy day in the park. Tinted windows block some of the heat from getting through, making the driving much more bearable while saving money on running the a/c at full speed.

4. Privacy and Security

The darker your window tint is, the harder it is to see what goes on inside your car. This can prevent theft.

5. Amazing Look

Window tint can make any car look special. Even if you live in a cloudy and rainy state, tinting can be a great way to tweak your vehicle’s appearance.

Enjoying Your Car Window Tint

When installed correctly, window tint can last a lifetime. Choose top-notch materials and respectable window tint providers to enjoy all of the above benefits for many years.

At G-Force Films, we have decades of experience installing car window tint with various VLT levels on vehicles of all types. Contact us to get a free quote today.

How Does Window Tinting Reduce Heat Inside of My Car?

As every Georgian knows, summers down here can get hot, hot, HOT! There is absolutely nothing worse than getting into a car that has been sitting in the sun for hours. Even if you crank your air conditioning or park in the shade, your car can still turn into a steamy sauna that will be unpleasant to drive.

So how can you keep your cool? The answer to your needs could be window tinting! Here at G-Force Films, our customers often ask if window tinting can help reduce heat in their cars. And the answer is yes! 

Here’s everything you need to know about window tinting and temperature reduction inside your car.

How Does Window Tinting Keep Heat Out?

A window tint can act as a barrier between your vehicle’s interior and the sun’s heat. The film used in window tinting is primarily made out of polyester. Some other types of film use a thin coating of colored dye and metal fragments that line the film’s top level. These layers block thermal energy, including ultraviolet (UV) and infrared light, from the sun and prevent your car from heating up while still allowing some light to shine through. In fact, window tints can block out almost 80% of harmful UV rays! This can also help to decrease your risk of skin cancer.

Window tinting film that features nano-carbon ceramic technology also efficiently absorbs UV radiation and heat. 

How Much Heat Does Window Tinting Reduce?

Automotive window tint creates a barrier between your car’s interior and the sun by deflecting its rays. This reduces heat in your cabin while preventing glare.

While the amount of heat reduction will vary from car to car, normal window film generally reduces heat by 35% to 45%. Premium tints can provide up to 80% of heat rejection.

Ceramic films provide even greater levels of heat reduction. The tint’s carbon particles effectively absorb infrared light, which is one of the main culprits behind the unruly temperatures in your vehicle.

How Do I Pick the Right Window Tint to Reduce Heat?

You can tell how effective a particular window tint is by looking at its light transmittance ratings, including the VLT%, VLR%, and VLA%. The VLT% on the label refers to how much visible light is transmitted through the tint. The VLR% shows you how much light is reflected off the tint and the VLA% indicates how much light the tint absorbs. 

To better understand this, picture a vehicle that doesn’t have any window tints. This car will transmit about 90% of the sun’s visible light. Therefore, its VLT% will be 90. The same non-tinted windows will have a VLA% and a VLR% of five. Therefore, the car has little to no cooling attributes.

Why Should You Get Window Tints to Reduce the Heat in Your Car?

A hot car interior isn’t just uncomfortable, but it can also be hazardous to your health. Excessive temperatures inside of your car can cause heat stroke, dehydration, and release harmful toxins found in many plastic car components. 

Keep Your Cool by Calling Us

Are you ready to discover the many benefits of window tinting? Your car won’t just look cool but it’ll feel cool too. Contact the window tinting pros at G-Force Films now by calling 912-655-2888. We look forward to seeing you soon!

6 Common Myths About Window Tinting Debunked

Are you looking for an opportunity to affordably upgrade your ride? Window tinting might be the answer! Window tinting is a procedure where a thin, flexible, transparent sheet of film is applied to the inside of your car’s window. Not only do window tints keep your car looking sharp, but they also preserve your interior.

But despite all the buzz about the benefits of window tinting, there are still a lot of misconceptions floating around. Thankfully, the team at G-Force Films is about to put a stop to all of that.

Here are six common window tinting myths busted.

Myth #1: Window Tinting is Entirely Cosmetic

While tinted car windows look amazing, they’re not just for vanity purposes. Window tints can block out as much as 80% of dangerous UV rays! Not only can this help protect your car’s interior from fading, but it can also protect you against the dangers of skin cancer. Moreover, window tints keep your car cool, even on scorching summer days. By blocking out the sun, you’re also blocking out the heat. In fact, Nano Ceramic tints can block out as much as 88% of the heat.

Myth #2: All Window Tint Films Are Exactly the Same

When it comes to window films, one size does not fit all. In fact, window films are available in a large assortment of sizes, styles, and types. Here at G-Force, we offer a huge selection of different window tint and film options, including Nano Ceramic and reflective films.

Myth #3: Window Tinting is Illegal

While window film is not illegal, different states have different regulations. Here in Georgia, the darkest legal window tint is 32%. Meanwhile, in California, windows can be as light as 70%. Other regulations include film color, reflectiveness, and side mirror visibility.

Myth #4: You Can’t Clean Tinted Windows

Actually, you can clean tinted windows! They can be cleaned just like any other window. However, we do recommend that you ask the G-Force technicians about any specific cleaning instructions for the tints you choose. We also suggest that you clean your windows with a micro-fiber towel and ammonia-free glass cleaner.

Myth #5: Window Film Will Lower My Vehicle’s Resale Value

A high-quality window tint will protect your car’s upholstery from the sun’s UV rays, which can cause fading and even make your dashboard start to crackle. This will maximize your automotive investment.

Myth #6: Window Film Will Bubble or Discolor Over Time

While it’s true that poor-quality window film can bubble, crack, or lose its color, G-Force does not perform amateur installments. We only use the best materials available on the market. This ensures the film will never crack or experience discoloration. Additionally, our precise installment process guarantees the perfect fit that will last for years to come.

Experience the G-Force Difference

Do you want to tint your car windows? Come to G-Force Films! We’ll enhance the look of your car for an affordable price. Our team strives to provide our customers with top-notch services that exceed their expectations.

To learn more, contact us today. We look forward to seeing you soon!

How to Determine the Best Time to Tint Car Windows

Tinting a car window improves the aesthetic value of a car while providing other unlimited benefits. Some car manufacturers fit cars with window tints. However, the quality and style may not match or fit the customer’s preference.

That said, many car owners replace the existing tint or apply a new tint to boost the appearance and privacy of their ride. Did you know that perfect timing can affect tint durability, car privacy, cost of application, and improve its value?

So, how can you tell the ideal time to apply a car tint?

1. Leverage Different Seasons During the Year

Different seasons offer varying opportunities for the tinting process. Hot temperatures, for instance, are conducive for the application of tints. Equally, you may find discounts in certain months of the year. Here’s a breakdown of opportunities in the different seasons:

Summer and Spring

The summer season is generally warmer than other seasons, making it ideal for the tinting process. The high temperatures increase the drying speed and enhance the natural curing process.

In comparison to high temperatures, humidity impedes the gluing process involved in a tinting procedure. Another exciting season is the spring, which is neither too hot nor cold — the moderate temperatures minimize the risk of overheating during the application process.

However, spring has several days with high humidity and rain, which can complicate the application process. To that end, both summer and spring offer an excellent opportunity to tint your car window.

Autumn and Winter

While it’s true that cold temperatures inhibit the tint curing process, the winter and autumn seasons have multiple benefits to the tinting process. The need to enhance your privacy or reduce the impact of bright headlights is also high in these seasons.

The cold temperatures in winter or autumn require a functional car AC system for maximum comfort in your car. Without proper insulation, the car can lose heat through the tiny pores in the window panels.

Tinting the windows during or in preparation for the winter season prevents heat from escaping the car through conduction. As a result, you’ll only require minimal energy from your car’s AC, leading to savings in energy and fuel. The benefit of improving the heat insulation profile of a car outweighs the slow curing process occasioned in the winter and autumn seasons.

2. Seasonal Discounts

As a car owner, you can take advantage of the seasonal sales discounts that tinting companies offer. These companies take advantage of high traffic to offer discounts and maximize sales. The offers can also correspond with national holidays and other annual sales events.

Here are a few suggestions to look out for:

  1. National Holidays: Tinting companies offer special discounts during national holidays like Independence Day, Thanksgiving, or Memorial Day. Depending on the time of the year, look for a corresponding holiday that you can utilize. Utilize social media and search engines to search for current deals.
  2. Winter Deals: Tinting companies suffer a slump in demand for their services because of road conditions and weather. In response, they offer great deals to entice customers to take up window tinting services. Therefore, you can take advantage of the available deals to save and secure a quality tint for your car.
  3. E-commerce Deals: E-commerce merchants hold annual sales such as Black Friday, Prime Day, or Cyber Monday to activate sales and improve brand awareness. Equally, other service providers ride on the wave to offer parallel offers that you can bank on to save.

3. After Buying a New Car

After you change or buy a new car, you may find an already installed tint, while others may be extra thin. These disparities necessitate the need to acquire a new tint for your ride.

Here’s why you need to install a tint immediately after buying a car:

  1. Privacy: Privacy is an important aspect to consider for a personal car— more so if you live or drive in highly populated areas. Privacy is also a top priority for people whose careers revolve around the public, such as social media personalities, celebrities, musicians, and footballers. Applying a tint on your new car restores privacy for your car. The tint can also eliminate instances of break-ins because tinted windows cannot attract the attention of burglars.
  2. Reduces Glare: During sunny days in summer or other seasons, it’s difficult and annoying to drive in the sun’s full glare. Equally, night driving can be a nightmare because of the bright lights from oncoming traffic. Applying window tint reduces the effect of the sun’s glare during a sunny day. It’ll also save you from frequent headaches and fatigue associated with night driving.
  3. Temperature Control: Internal temperatures determine whether you’ll enjoy the ride. Tinted windows keep the car cool by reducing the amount of temperature that goes into the vehicle. Tint improves temperature balance, especially on hot days that pose a danger to the interior heating of your car. Tinting creates a cool environment inside your car during sunny days, improving comfort— it’ll also eliminate the need to turn on the AC system.

4. To Improve Your Car’s Features

Anytime is the ideal time to improve the features of your car. Continuous improvement brings additional benefits like safety or protecting the vehicle. By applying tints on your car windows, you reduce the sun glare that reaches inside the car. As a result, the sun rays will not damage car interiors — dashboard, upholstery, and seats. Some of the solutions applied include windshield protectors or dashboard spray. Even so, the impact and benefits of applying tints are unmatched.

Tinted windows also reduce the impact of objects that fall on windows by reducing potential breakage. Equally, window tint impedes glass shattering, which can cause severe injuries in the case of accidents.

Try Our Tinting Services Today

Applying a tint on your car windows improves aesthetic value, security and preserves the condition of the interior of your car. It’s also important to apply it at the right time to ensure quality work, take advantage of deals, and protect your investment.

That said, G-Force Films is the perfect service provider for window tinting. We have been in the automotive aftermarket for 25 years, giving us an edge in the industry. Contact us today, to book an appointment.